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OSTF 02-10-14 Minutes
                        OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                           Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                              February 10, 2014

Attendance: Pat Botteron, , Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Jeff Folger, Carol Heffler, Betty Warren, John Caldwell, Louise Evans, Bart Pacekonis

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:36 pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes
   Minutes of the January meeting were accepted.

New Business

   The Parks & Recreation Ordinance was reviewed by the task force.  The reason for the change in the ordinance stemmed from the Town Council bypassing the Parks & Rec Commission on a project.  There were several concerns. Louise Evans thought the ordinance implied that Parks & Rec could make decisions on open space.  We have a member and an alternate from Parks & Rec on our task force which gives Parks & Rec currently a review of the properties. Jeff Folger said we should not be concerned about that because the bond issue must specify active recreation or open space. This ordinance is an attempt to clarify the duties of the Parks & Recreation Committee. Carol Heffler had concern about the timeline giving Parks & Rec 60 days to comment.  Betty Warren commented on the word acquisition wording in paragraph 1. This was not part of the change. It was clarified that our rating form had recreation in it. Roy Normen felt this ordinance was redundant and simply a reaction to a situation rather than solving a problem. In the end, the task force had no real issues with the ordinance.

    The Acquisition flow chart was the next discussion.  It needed to be revised to correctly reflect the options.

    The form for property owners to fill out when they would like to sell or donate property was reviewed.  Open Space was replaced by Property. Add the wording “if applicable” to (include subdivision name).  This form is a start.  It will give the town the opportunity to check ownership, liens or any other issues associated with the property.

Old Business  

    Pat Botteron reported on Property Updates. The Jones property has an appraisal and a survey completed.  We are currently waiting for the soil test. There is no financial data available yet.  The King Street property should be on the Town Council agenda next month.   

Other Business       

   Jeff Folger reminded everyone that a mandatory FOI session will be held on Monday, March 3, 2014 at 5:30 in the Council Chambers.

  Pat Botteron reminded everyone to look at the pictures of Wapping Park sent by Jon Whiten as part of his Eagle Scout project. Ginny Macro told Pat there was a DVD of SW property archived at the library.  Tim Shepard would like to find a way to block the power lines from the view of the houses near Dzen Farm.  Sandra Jeski would like us to investigate Donald Hood’s property to get developmental rights.  Jeff Folger said it is just a matter of the new application form.  There are still hunting issues on open space.  It has been said the Director of Public Works can authorize hunting but no one has seen the actual wording to the authorization.

   John Caldwell reported that new signs are up at Wapping and Major Donnelly Parks.  They are currently working on one for Lawrence Road.  New boxes for trail maps are being done and will be in place in the spring.   

    The next meeting will be April 7th since are March 3rd date is the mandatory FOI meeting.

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen